Inspirational Speaker

What expertise do I have?

I developed my showmanship skills over a 30 year international career. I performed over 10,000 shows with Cirque du Soleil, the most successful circus in the world; with Absinthe, the best show on the Las Vegas strip; with GOP, the largest Cabaret franchise in the world- and beyond.
I became an accomplished juggler through more than 45,000 hours of dedicated practice, mastering my body like an athlete and my creativity like an artist. Living and working around the world opened me up to different cultural worldviews that broadened my creative and philosophical thinking processes. The combination of my inner creativity and worldwide experience makes the perspective of my talk uniquely rich and entertaining.

I am not the best juggler in the world, but I am the only one that does it the way I do (and I’m pretty darn good at it). My aim is not to be better than others, it is to become the best version of myself. Therefore, I will always be the best at being me. Juggling is my deepest passion and my life’s purpose.

Juggling is often perceived as a basic circus cliché, but to me, it is a playful, whimsical and extraordinary art form.
Juggling is a mind-body practice, applying in real time the laws of physics in space. It is a perpetual balancing act of athleticism and artistry, dedication and daydreaming, stability and fluidity.
Juggling is a very fragile practice, and dropping the ball happens all of the time. It is an inevitable part of the experience and through repetition, I have become an expert at recovering from failure. I learned non-resistance by partnering with gravity, which allows me to physically manifest real magic.
Being a juggler is having both an architect’s structural mindset and a magician’s whimsical imagination.

Why should you book my talk?

I designed my talk “Dancing With Gravity” for non-jugglers.
But don’t worry, there will be plenty of world class juggling!

My main objective is to create a safe and inclusive space for curiosity driven dialogue. It begins with a round of anonymous questions gathered from the audience to kickstart the talk, followed by invitations to ask spontaneous questions during the event. The audience effectively co-creates the experience with me.

As the expert in the room, I drive the direction, content and rhythm of the talk by sharing my creative processes and problem-solving experiences. I open the door into juggling’s unusual and insightful perspectives on finding balance and challenging one’s belief systems, on symmetry, resilience, dedication, and of course, failure. I add on my worldly knowledge and an exploration into a deeper sense of self- all with a little French savoir-faire and live juggling magic. I guarantee you’ve never been into the mind of a master juggler.

My goal is to curate the talk in two-fold.
First, to make it a direct reflection of the audience’s curiosity. Second, to inspire the audience to think outside the box and reflect on perspectives they may have never considered before. At times, the audience and I will find ourselves in moments of even ground, connecting in an honest, intimate and vulnerable way. By principle, there is no question which is out of bounds. I find that there is always a deeper insight waiting to be uncovered from any question, as trivial as it may initially sound.

Performing thousands of shows has gifted me with the intuitive artistry of being truly present in the moment, to listen to the audience’s feedback, and to shift and improvise in real-time within the structure of my talk. I designed the experience to be playful, flexible, inspirational, and adaptable to any specific audience- and effectively delivers exactly what the audience wants. In my experience, the few times an organizer wanted me to include any specific deliverables into my talk, it was pretty simple. I invited them to be in the audience and actively participate by asking the relevant questions.
It’s fun and it’s effective.

What is my track record?

I have been speaking at public conventions and corporate events around the country since 2017.

Some of my corporate clients are:

  • Google
  • WeWork
  • Intouch Solutions
  • Soho House
  • Chicago Fire Soccer Team

Some of my public appearances includes:

  • TEDx
  • Field Museum
  • République Française, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères
  • 2020 Night of Ideas, Alive!
  • EXPO CHICAGO, International Exposition of Contemporary & Modern Art
  • Dialog, Phoenix

Some of the academic institutions I’ve been invited to:

  • Northwestern University
  • Lycée Français de Chicago


My TEDx performance was not shared online due to unresolved copyrights permissions, but you can see it here.

This is an early capture of my talk at the WeWork headquarters in Chicago back in 2017.

Quotes from my clients.

“Cyril helped my team think about the body and mind in a way that we’ve never conceived before. His talk was deeply inspiring.”

Valerie L.

“It is easy to listen to Cyril, he talks about juggling with so much passion.
And what an amazing entertainer!”

Franck I.

“We co-created the talk in unexpected ways by asking questions. Cyril kept folding them naturally into the keynote and ended up juggling a spoon and a chair to make his point!”

Bonnie T.

“It is fascinating to think about Cyril’s unique perspective. I wonder if his juggling was born from his philosophy or his philosophy from his juggling.”

Dane G.

Selected Press

“This juggler has made it his mission to make the public dream.”

24 HEURES, Christophe Boillat

“Cyril Rabbath dropped a few balls during his juggling act but those glitches only underscored the brilliance of the remainder of his performance.”


“Juggler Cyril Rabbath dazzles the audience at Cirque du Soleil’s Dralion Show.”


“Quite the juggling act: Cyril Rabbath hones his skills!”


“Cyril Rabbath’s juggling act is cleverly choreographed.”


“Devilish good of a juggler.”

AFTENPOSTEN, Borghild Maaland

What my talk isn’t.

I do not give advice.
I do not offer a series of actionable tips nor productivity hacks. My approach is to spark a shift in perspective and encourage personal exploration, rather than providing a set of predefined steps to follow. I aim to inspire each person to think in new ways and explore how they can apply this understanding to their own unique life circumstances.

My talk is not boring.
I do not perform the talk as if I had an audience of jugglers geeking out over complex juggling concepts. It is accessible, stimulating and inspiring- but it is also world class entertaining. I perform Cirque du Soleil level juggling acts between 30-50% of the talk (based on the audience’s questions).
This will be the experience that everyone talks about.

Contact Me.

May Gravity be kind to you,